1. Maintains an exact replica of one disk on another offering 100% fault tolerance. 2. Data redundancy - If one disk fails, data can be recovered from the other. 3.…
Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2012 R2 is a server designed for virtual machine (VM). Virtualization is creation include storage, device, operation system as virtual rather than physical. Almost similar to VMware vSphere as virtual machine. VMware vSphere is cost for VMware install on server. But the features will be available than Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2012 R2 because it is free virtual machine for stand-alone.…
\noindent According to Tabels \ref{4-tb7}-\ref{4-tb12}, we can get the following conclusions, which will correspond with Corollary \ref{4-cl7} (d)-(f). Note that $e^{exp}_{\alpha,\beta}/\rho(X)$ is denoted as the 2-parameter expectile when $X\sim Exp(100)$ and $e^{pareto}_{\alpha,\beta}/\rho(X)$ is denoted as the 2-parameter expectile when $X\sim Pareto(3,200)$. \begin{enumerate} \item[(i)] Table \ref{4-tb7}-\ref{4-tb9} and Tabel \ref{4-tb10}-\ref{4-tb12} illustrates that the 2-parameter expectiles increase as $\alpha$ increases for any fixed $\beta\geq \alpha$, $\rho$ and $X$. For example, $$e^{exp}_{0.8,0.9}/E[X]=166.33 \leq 204.01…
There are numerous reasons why there is a need for every home cook to own stainless steel bowls. The bowl made from stainless steel has a very durable built and it can even be your partner for a lifetime. These bowls can also keep all your cold items in its cool state as it insulates the items. If you have noticed in parties and social events, there are bowls made from stainless steel used for keeping items such as water, lemonade, soda and others, in order to keep it cool. Placing the bowl on the freezer for only very few minutes will allow it to keep those items placed on it for longer period.…
The rational for having Rouge One communications data centralize on a file server using a Distributed File System (DFS) is simple. When the data is centralized, instead of being spread out and existing on multiple computers will make it be easier to manage. The way this is going to be solve is a backup of the user data will be taken. This is to ensure that nothing will be lost. Then a Distributed File System (DFS) will be setup on the Rouge One communications file server.…
Task 1 In Unix/Linux operating system a user can have root access or not, the root access provides complete access to user of a system. There are some following risks to have a single root user on Unix/Linux operating system. Easy to hack: If any security error broke the security then a hacker can get the access of all data and can get the whole control of hardware. It allow to retrieve all files and data without root access.…
How to Configure a VPN Connection in Windows 8.1 A VPN is one common method of extending a private network across the Internet and gain access to network resources from a remote location in a secure manner. A virtual private network (VPN) is a private network that uses public telecommunications infrastructure, usually the Internet, to connect to a private network, such as a company's internal network infrastructure. A VPN remains private by using a secure tunneling protocol and other security mechanisms including encryption. This ensures that only authorized users can access the private network and that the data cannot be intercepted by anyone else. A virtual private network makes it possible to have the same privacy and protection when sharing network resources across WANs.…
ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS: 1. What is the regulation or law that you would propose? Be very specific in the wording. (This will be your own idea and written in your own words). (20 points) Answer:…
Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacterial Methods of Warfare (Geneva Protocol) was penned and signed on 17 June, 1925. This was a treaty signed by the Allies at the close of World War I, which was actually just an extension and re-verification of the Treaty of Versailles (signed in 1919) prior to WWI. The Geneva Protocol furthered the Treaty of Versailles in that it expanded the weapons ban to include a ban on bacteriological warfare. In 1969, this protocol was further expanded to include CS gas agents and harassing agents (probably due to their use by the U.S. during the Vietnam War).…
Securing your Macintosh(Mac) OS computer Apple producing their computers with a lot of security features already in them. Mac OS X is one of the most secure operating systems in the market. Still a lot of people make mistakes while using their computers on their daily bases. These mistakes can notably weaken the security of their operation system. To be sure that you computer secure we will consider how to secure your user account, your web browsing, and we will maximize the privacy.…
NT1410 Module 5 Exercise 1 Securing Desktop & Mobile Operating Systems Sierra Baltins Friday Whether or not a person uses a desktop or mobile operating system, there are forms of protection available. There are several operating systems that offer protection to the user, but some operating systems are more vulnerable than others. Mobile devices may automatically provide the user with different security systems than the desktop can offer. Either way, these security systems are designed to stop cyber-attacks.…
Johnson 6 virus, worms, malware or spyware. It’s very interesting if one goes onto google play or the one from Apple, there are numerous applications created to do a phone scan and to check newly installed applications to ensure your phone is protected from viruses. The world wide web is like playing Russian roulette because of the possibility of contracting a virus or worm. Hackers across the globe will forever be a serious threat to citizens around the world and National Security. The Department of Defense along with the Department of Homeland Security oversee security measure to protect the United States from cyber-attacks.…
Walking into the toy section of Walmart I noticed two things, the first one was that there were different isles for boys and girls toys. Second was the fact that the boys isle had more dark colors such as blue, black, and red while as the girls were more of pinks and bright colors. Once I had started to look at these isles I noticed a lot of the toys are in fact gendered. I noticed that the girls isle has babies, lots and lots of baby dolls which should suggest that little girls are suppose to grow up to be mothers and take care of their babies. There were also lots of kitchen sets/dining ware that could be used to “make meals” like the easy bake oven for example.…
If you have ever walked down the toy isle of any retail store, you have probably noticed a major difference in boy and girl toys, so that is where I started my journey. The current gender stereotype that women adore shopping is spelled out perfectly by the famous Barbie Doll. The…
The toy aisle is always the place where a little boy and a little girl would want to go while in a store. The toy aisle has dolls, cars, playhouses, dinosaurs, and anything a kid could ever imagine. Did you imagine a toy to be more suiting for either a girl or boy? For instance, barbies are for girls and action figures are for boys. Gender stereotyping has been a big issue throughout society.…