1. What is the regulation or law that you would propose? Be very specific in the wording. (This will be your own idea and written in your own words). (20 points)
After doing so much shopping online, I have decided to make a regulation regarding the theft of identities on websites and stores that are quite popular. I shop at Target, Home Depot, and even buy a lot of coffee at Starbucks and all of these companies have been hacked by identity thieves. Therefore, the regulation that I would like to make would be to protect online shoppers and those who use their phones to pay for services rendered, such as Target.com or the Starbucks app that allows the cashiers to scan cellular phones.
a. What problem did you find in your research online that your regulation plans to address? Include a citation to the article(s) that describes the problem. (10points)
In my research, I …show more content…
This could be a problem for the stores and you may see a rise in prices in order to make sure that they can pay their staff.
c. What consequences might your proposed regulation/law have on protected consumers? Describe one good and one bad consequence. (10 points)
Good consequence (5 pts):
This regulation could have quite a great impact on protected consumers. If the shoppers are protected by this regulation, a good consequence would be that the debt collectors would not be approaching the customers over faulty charges to their cards or bank accounts.
Bad consequence (5 pts):
The bad consequences of this regulation that would affect protected consumers would be that they may not be able to fully prove that their accounts have been hacked and their identities have been stolen.
d. Consider unintended consequences. What might one be? Describe it. (5 points).