“The most effective means for achieving policy stability are constraints on the flexibility of agencies, rather than reliance on rewards, punishments, and oversight.” Enfranchising the constituents of presidents and congress through administrative structure and process, we can constrain the bureaucrats. We should clarify each political player’s responsibility and right by regulations and laws with negotiation and bargain. Moreover, we should control the information which can be obtained by bureaucrats, since their decisions are based on information. Additionally, warning bureaucrats in advance about the consequence of deviation is essential in administrative structure and process. Legislation has …show more content…
First of all, we have the regulations and laws to inhibit all possible deviations, which is an ex ante procedural constraint on the policy-making process. What is more, this administrative procedural provides us with a delay, which gives us enough time to intervene before the bureaucrats take actions with noncompliance. Working as an early warning system, it allows us to adjust and rearrange.
However, there are some disadvantages of this solution. Firstly, this slowing down process costs more to form the regulations and laws, compared with fire alarm oversight. There may be several rounds of negotiation between us and bureaucrats, which takes us a large amount of money and time. Also, negotiation means in order to come to the final agreements we should make some concessions, which reduces the benefits we gain from administrative procedural and process and constrains us as well.
2. Enfranchise new principals like nongovernmental organizations and empowering the public to participate directly in policy-making process to reduce bureaucratic