Nt1330 Unit 5 Test Paper

Decent Essays
October 2015

PORTFAST in my network I have setup portfast on all the 18 access switches connected to the workstations and also on the core switches connected to the servers. on both switches I have used ports fa0/1 to fa0/2. portfast on these ports will reduce the time the devices spend to connect to other devices on the network since these ports will not go through the spanning tree process of blocking, listening , learning and then forwarding which cause a delay of about 45 -50 seconds instead the ports will go straight to forwarding stage there by speeding up communication between devices in a network. for example in a company that have servers which provide services to clients. I have observed this process in my network and I will strongly recommend for the use of portfast. also ( refer to
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I have also referred to this link on how to setup my ether channel on my network. I have used PAGP protocol and same settings on both switches involved in the ether channel link. refer to(http://www.mcmcse.com/cisco/guides/etherchannel.shtml)
Francisco third year student very helpful attitude through https://www.cctmoodle.com/mod/forum/view.php?id=13260 ether channel on these ports will load balance traffic between links this means that each link is responsible for the same transferring of information instead of just loading one link with a lot of traffic. Refer to(http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/data-center/increase-network-bandwidth-using-ciscos-etherchannel/)


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