Nt1330 Unit 3 Paper

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Recommended Kernel Custom kernel can be fantastic for organizations that need to utilize only one or minimum services and applications for their organization. Open source codes of Linux distributions make it possible for Linux administrators to configure kernels for exactly what the company needs. The downside to this is that you would have to employee a Linux administrator adequate enough to configure and update Linux for the company full time. Compile stock kernels advantages are that every Kernel for every distribution comes from a stock kernel and the stock Kernel is stable for deployment and configuration. So basic security configurations and best practices will work for this kernel. The disadvantage of using this kernel is that every security patch and update needs to be configured by the administrator. Vendor supplied kernel would be the top choice and safest for the company to use. The major advantages of this route is that the distributors of our kernel will maintain update and patches as long as we pay for their service. At first this seems to be expensive, but if we really look at it, paying for service from the …show more content…
It is very important to have a current and accurate data backup plan for emergency situations. Losing all of your data or maybe even just some of it could have dire consequences for the company. These consequences could be in the form of compliance infractions and come with steep fines all the way to laws suits for loosing customer data or classified information. Having the ability to restore this data if it is ever destroyed or compromised could save our company from losing all credibility and going bankrupt. Having a good data backup plan ensures that we will be able to restore our company in a disaster to an acceptable state of operation without losing much if any information necessary to keep our customers happy and business running

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