The phenomenon of interest was to examine resident’ and family member preference on care for pneumonia in a long-term care facility or a hospitalized setting. The phenomenon was clearly stated in the article.
2. What is the justification for using a qualitative method?
The justification for using a qualitative method was to learn if long-term care facilities care for pneumonia was consistent with resident and family preferences.
3. What are the philosophical underpinnings of the research method?
Technology has allowed long-term care facilities to deliver more complex health care in their facilities. Hospital care and transfers are costly and causes increase risk. The …show more content…
These facilities must be able to properly care for residents with pneumonia, and respect the resident or family member preference on where they want to receive care.
6. Is the method used to collect data compatible with the purpose of the research?
The data is compatible with the purpose of the research. With the data that was collected, there was a conclusion drawn that reflected the resident and family member preference of care. This research was based on human understanding of care that they want.
7. Is the method adequate to address the phenomenon of interest?
This case study was adequate to address the phenomenon of interest. The case study sought to understand the perspective of resident and family member’s choice of care when diagnosed with pneumonia. This research allowed comparison between facilities that provided specific care according to the trial, and the facilities that continued with their current care pathway for a resident diagnosed with pneumonia.
8. If a particular approach is used to guide the inquiry, does the researcher complete the study according to the processes