New Orleans is known as the “fishbowl city”. “The main purpose of an artificial levee is to prevent flooding of the adjoining country. Levees are usually built by piling earth on a cleared level surface”(science daily). Levees protected millions and their homes. They were built to sustain against a category four hurricane. However they were not prepared for Katrina and failed to outlast the monster of a storm.“We have built levees up and down the Mississippi. We feel like we now are completely protected” (Governor John McKiethen-1965). People depended on these levees. They were the one thing that made people feel secure when a storm blew into town threatening to destroy everything these people loved. When the levees broke in the 2005 hurricane the United States was standing on it’s heels and was far from being prepared for an event like …show more content…
The main cause of death was not having medical supply, or food, or water for days while being trapped in the city. “It was the largest displacements of a population since the great depression. 20,000 people were stuffed into the super dome where they had no plumbing, food to feed 10,000 for three days, and a very limited water supply. Fema, federal emergency management agency’s, job is to do exactly what their name says, manage emergencies. Yet when this disaster happened the national, state, and local governors were too busy pointing fingers at who's responsibility it really is to take action. If one of them would of stepped up, especially FEMA than the deaths would have been reduced an incredible