My Sister's Care By Elizabeth Piatt: Article Analysis

Superior Essays
Elizabeth Piatt is professor of sociology and has a PhD in medical sociology. She is mostly interested in exploring racial inequalities in physical and mental health. In february 2015, her article, “Navigating Veronika: How Access, Knowledge, And Attitudes shaped My Sister’s Care”, Piatt discusses how there is minimal conversation between a patient and the healthcare professionals and the attitude that healthcare professionals have towards poor patients. She also addresses how socioeconomic constantly affect the inequalities in health care system. In this essay, I will be summarizing her article, and contextualizing, and comparing it to the past time period. In her article, Elizabeth talks about how her sister’s tooth infection became health …show more content…
The system also looks down on poor people thinking they won’t ask or challenge anything because they have limited education and wouldn’t know how to access the resources. Socioeconomic is very much connected to health care inequalities. The higher you are on socioeconomic ladder, the more access you have to resources like knowledge and beneficial social connections. This is true in Amanda's case from the article, “Adventures In Health Insurance Claim Wonderland”. Amanda was able to figure out the clerical mistake in her insurance claim because she was a medical student. She says, “Luckily, as a medical student I was able to do an end run around both the insurance company and the medical billing office to head straight to expert source: an actual surgical resident”¹. One solution that the author suggest is to have patient navigators. A patient navigator is someone who helps the patient move through the health care system by providing financial, legal, or professional medical by acting as the resource. Patient navigator are available to cancer patients, but they are also needed in other parts of health care system for the low-income patients. They can …show more content…
The first component is when Piatt mentions that, “she had back surgery and contracted a methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection that required daily intravenous antibiotics”. This could have been the result of bacteria being resistant to the penicillin. In the article, “The Landscape of Antibiotic Resistance”, it is mentioned that, “The problem of antibiotic resistance has become widely known in large part because of the emergence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)... most MRSA infections were contracted by hospital in-patients suffering from other underlying conditions”. As penicillin was invented in 1928. The second component is that there was only few people had insurance private insurance before the 20th century, and now, “6.4 million people have enrolled for subsidized private coverage”. This shows how our current culture has helped the health care system grow by making sure most people have access to insurance, so they are able afford the healthcare they

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