As a student that cares deeply about my academics, I am honored to be selected to be a potential member of National Honor Society. Being chosen for this prestigious association has always been a goal of mine because of the high standards I set for myself as a student, and a member of the community. In the procession of this letter, I hope to convince you of my ability to uphold all of the standards outlined in our application letter. Initially, I’d like to share with you my scholarship achievements, history, and ambitions. Throughout my middle school and high school years my grades have always been above a 3.5 grade point average. This is because I was raised in a household where
As a student that cares deeply about my academics, I am honored to be selected to be a potential member of National Honor Society. Being chosen for this prestigious association has always been a goal of mine because of the high standards I set for myself as a student, and a member of the community. In the procession of this letter, I hope to convince you of my ability to uphold all of the standards outlined in our application letter. Initially, I’d like to share with you my scholarship achievements, history, and ambitions. Throughout my middle school and high school years my grades have always been above a 3.5 grade point average. This is because I was raised in a household where