It’s the summer before my seventh birthday and I am invincible. It’s my first time at Disneyworld and everything is perfect. I am with my entire family, my sister, mother, and father. My heart flutters and I feel a surge of excitement. The ferry carrying us from the parking lot towards the magical kingdom is finally getting close to that iconic castle that I have seen so many times on TV. It is easy to forget we are riding a boat across a small lake that separates this magical dream world from everything else. In my mind, I know, we have climbed onto the back of a giant turtle that allows us to ride his back as he slowly makes his way towards the castle. The turtle swims so elegantly and gracefully; I have no doubt that …show more content…
This isn’t what I wanted. It’s hot and sticky everywhere. My hair has plastered itself to my face and my shirt has melded with my skin. I just want to get on the ride. My heart stops, my dreams shattered. I feel the smile on my face morph itself into something strange. Something that doesn’t belong in such a wonderful place, something foreign, something unwanted. My joy falters, but only for a moment; we get to the front quicker than I thought, and I feel a smile slowly creep back onto my face. Minutes later we are hopping in the cart for the first ride. My mind was absolutely blown! We were riding Space Mountain! My very first ride on a roller coaster. And it was perfect. Click, click, click. With each click we lurch upwards a few inches at a time. Finally the slow climb comes to an end and we slowly glide forward. Then quicker and quicker, and we fly around a corner, then another and another. Nothing could be more exciting! The ride ended all too quickly but my stomach was still twisting and turning as I climbed out of the cart, legs shaking, grinning and laughing the whole way out of the space …show more content…
Panic. The grin fades to wide-eyed fear. My heart beats so fast and I can feel it sinking into my chest. My eyes dart from side to side. My family has sunk into the huge masses of people walking every direction possible. I spot them, I think. I walk confidently. No. Not them. Then I see them, for sure this time. I take a few steps in a different direction. No. That isn’t them. What to do? What to do? My entire body shaking, I walk to the nearest empty table and look around but they are still nowhere to be found. I put my head down on my arms and slowly begin to cry. Despair falls over me; I know I will never find them again. There are just too many people all around. The magical land suddenly feels although it’s filled with sadness but somehow empty at the same time. Not one person I see is significant, they are just a series of obstacles keeping me from finding my perfect world. And then I feel a hand on my back and my sister’s wonderful voice, “cheer up little lady, you’re too important to let go.” Tears still gleaming in my eyes, I look up and see the most magical thing I’ve seen all day, my