This was proved correct based on the test conducted by the researcher in the UNO-R accounting office. Selected UNO-R students were asked to try the system and convey their feelings towards it. The researchers provided survey sheets to be answered by the students and parents or guardians. After the test, they confirmed that the system could reduce their frustrations while waiting for their turn in the queue.
The used of the android tablet in inputting the phone number of the client and the GSM that was responsible for sending an SMS notification to the client when there are …show more content…
The system works efficiently but there are still some things to be added in the features for it may help the system more accessible and user-friendly.
First, the user can add an additional android tablet and thermal printer. The current prototype has only one of each equipment. Adding more of these equipment is possible for the system as long as they have the same IP Address with the PC.
Second, the proposed system used is a one-way network. It means that the system could only send a message and would not be able to receive messages from the client. Thus, the researchers suggest making the system mode a two-way network where the GSM module and the client could exchange information simultaneously. With this, the client can cancel or change their number without going to the accounting office.
Next, enhancing the system program by allowing the clients to choose the way of payment they want to, it’s either in cash or check. For in the proposed system, choosing a way of client’s payment will be chosen manually in the given