There are three types of muscles in the human body: cardiac muscle, smooth muscle and skeletal muscle. For the purpose of our lab we will be focusing only on skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscle is the only voluntary muscle tissue found in the human body. They're attached to bones by tendons and are responsible for all the movements that are consciously controlled such as writing, walking, running, etc. [1].…
To fully understand this Grip Strength exercise there most be an understanding of the foundational physiological mechanisms, which are involved. These mechanisms are all incorporated into the muscular system of the body and its foundational unit known as muscle. A muscle can be defined as a bundle of fibrous tissue connected to two or more bones by tendons giving it the ability to contract and therefore inducing movement to a specific part of the body. The muscles within the human body are differentiated into three classes known as skeletal, smooth, and finally cardiac. Smooth muscle is an involuntary muscle (under control of the autonomic nervous system) that is mainly found within the walls and organs that participate in digestion such as the stomach, intestines and esophagus, but can also be found within blood vessels as well (Argosy Publishing, 2016).…
1. The number of muscle fibers that are innervated by a motor neuron is dependent on what muscle it is. Fine motor movements, such as typing, would need only a few muscle fibers. This means that the thumb has only a few fibers, but the thigh, back, and biceps have many. These need a lot more force to be exerted, which is why they need more muscle fibers.…
The agonist generates the most powerful force in the biceps, in comparison to the triceps. The Triceps focuses on protecting the muscles from hyperextending the arm, by using the classification of the antagonist. The bicep contraction would be concentric contraction, and the triceps would be eccentric contraction. 2. How does the EMG amplitude differ between concentric and eccentric movements for the same load for the biceps (use data from the lab)?…
Unit 2 The physiology of fitness P1 P2 M1 In this assignment I have been asked to talk about the physiology of fitness, because I am on am football so it is important for me to understand this side of the game. In P1 it is all about how the musculoskeletal and energy system responses to acute exercise.…
Daniel Ward Professor Meyers English 111 5 October 2015 Cavity-Back Versus Muscle-Back Could game improvement irons be preventing individuals from becoming a better ball striker? The game improvement concept that originated in the 1980s has offered a new style of golf club head called a cavity-back. The sole purpose of the cavity-back iron design is to combine forgiveness and playability for the average golfer and to lower one’s scores quickly. Traditionally, the muscle-back iron design requires a better swing and is not very forgiving however, it gives one more control and a softer feel. Muscle-backs gained their nickname from the original blade style iron, which were hand forged by a blacksmith over 150 years ago.…
Muscles (Grip strength) In this week’s lab, we was doing an experiment on forearm, and its muscle fiber with nerves. The forearm is a part that between the primates’ elbow and wrist. Forearms contain connective tissue, nerve tissue and muscle tissue. In which, connective tissue is just radius and ulnar bones.…
The experiment began with a reaction of a 1cm3 cube of lamb liver and 5mL of hydrogen peroxide solution being put in test tubes in a beaker filled with 10℃ water until the temperatures of the liver and hydrogen peroxide were 10℃ also. The liver was put into a 100mL measuring cylinder and the hydrogen peroxide was also poured in as the timer was started. After twenty seconds, several millilitres of froth had been produced from the chemical concoction. This froth was recorded into a results table, and the previous steps were repeated but with increasing temperature increments of 10℃ until 50℃. After carefully completing the experiment, the final results obtained by measuring the volume of the froth produced after 20 seconds, were recorded in a table - see Table 1, and able to be observed in a graph, see Figure 7.…
Introduction Some people believe that we have only one type of muscle in our bodies that help us with all different types of tasks, however; not only do our bodies have different muscle types, they also contain different muscle fibers that are used for different activities. Skeletal muscle contain three types of muscle fibers: slow twitch, fast twitch oxidative, and fast twitch glycolytic. Most muscles in our bodies have different combinations of these muscle fibers, although our body recruits different muscle fibers for different activities. The first muscle fiber to be recruited are slow twitch fibers, are also known as Type I. “Slow twitch muscle fibers are the smallest in diameter, contain the least amount of actin and myosin, and allow…
Neurons are one of the most important cells in living animals. There are billions of neurons throughout our bodies, especially the brain which is the control house of the body. Neurons are what help us see, hear, taste, and feel sensation. This is all do to a critical phenomenon known as action potential. Action potential is caused by a change in various ions, specifically sodium and potassium.…
Introduction The purpose of the lab was to see the effects of heart rate and blood pressure when 3 male and 3 female students exercised compared to when they were at rest. My hypothesis is that the data from the exercise part of the experiment will cause both the heart rate and blood pressure (systolic and diastolic) to increase more than the resting state.…
Skeletal muscle fatigue is caused by the repetitive, intense use of muscles. This causes the muscle cells to accumulate hydrogen ions and intracellular lactate. The accumulation of these substances stunts the muscles ability to receive electrical impulses from the nervous system, therefore causing less muscle cells to react to the impulses, leaving the muscle less effective. I will be testing to determine wether the effects of muscle fatiuge are more prominant in the youth or in adults.…
I.A Background & Key Question(s) Rapid reproductions in muscles cells are needed because our muscles are constantly exposed to exercise and injury. In our muscles, Myoblast is the embryonic cells that mature and fuse together forming Myocytes. Through the process myogenesis, Myocytes form muscles.…
From the lab ¨What happens in my body when I run around school?” I learned that exercising causes chemical reactions inside the human body. In the human body you have food molecules and you have oxygen. How do you think you get carbon dioxide. Your food molecules react with the oxygen which is a chemical reaction.…
In this lab, you will investigate the behavior of the human nervous system and make observations of the special senses. Activity 1: Touch Receptors (worth 10 points total) List four sensations detected by the tactile receptors in the skin (1) Temperature (2) Touch (3) Pain (4) Wetness Get a volunteer to touch each of these locations on your body using the same pressure. Close your eyes and rank how sensitive each area is from 1 (low sensitivity) to 5 (high sensitivity).…