The purpose of the lab was to see the effects of heart rate and blood pressure when 3 male and 3 female students exercised compared to when they were at rest.
My hypothesis is that the data from the exercise part of the experiment will cause both the heart rate and blood pressure (systolic and diastolic) to increase more than the resting state.
Resting heart rate was recorded in the begging of class. Then the class was divided into groups and from each group, there was a person who was doing the exercise (cycling), a recorder/ timer, someone who measured blood pressure, and someone who measured the heart rate. The data was then written on the whiteboard for others to copy.
The experiment had each person exercising …show more content…
The graph also shows which data was from females versus males. This show that the recovery heart rate did come down but not all the way to what it was when it was measured at rest.
The graph above shows the resting heart rate (Resting) compared to the exercise heart rate after the 1st workload (Ex HR 1) and after the 2nd workload (Ex HR 2). This graph shows that heart rates from rest to exercise were increasing for the most part.
The graph above shows resting systolic blood pressure (Rest SBP), exercise systolic blood pressure after the 1st workload (Ex SBP 1), exercise systolic blood pressure after the 2nd workload (Ex SBP 2), recovery systolic blood pressure after 1 minute (Rec SBP 1) and after 2 minutes (Rec SBP 2). This shows that for the most part the systolic blood pressures increased between workloads and decreased or stayed constant during the recovery. The resting systolic pressures and the 2-minute recovery systolic pressures were mixed, most of them were increases and a few …show more content…
There were very mixed results from the diastolic and systolic blood pressures. Discussion
The physiological difference between male and females in heart rates and blood pressures is due to females having a slightly higher resting heart rate because they typically have a smaller heart size smaller blood volume. Hormones may also play a role. Each body is unique and different process work at different rates from person to person.
The heart rates mostly increased as workload increased. The systolic blood pressures during exercise for mostly increased. The diastolic blood pressures were very mixed with the subjects.
The heart rates from resting compared to exercise were higher. For the most part, the blood pressure rates were higher than the resting in all the subjects.
Heart rate and blood pressure should both increase following exercise.
Heart rate and blood pressure both increased following exercise. Recovery data did not decrease back to resting heart rate after 2-3 minutes following exercise.
Works Cited Lab Handout 2. Heart Rate and Blood