Obstacles And Triceps Muscles: Case Study

Improved Essays
1. What are the functional classifications for the biceps and triceps muscles in the bicep curl movement? What type of contractions are the biceps and triceps performing during a bicep curl?
There are two functional classifications for the biceps and triceps muscles, which are the following: agonists and antagonists. The agonist generates the most powerful force in the biceps, in comparison to the triceps. The Triceps focuses on protecting the muscles from hyperextending the arm, by using the classification of the antagonist. The bicep contraction would be concentric contraction, and the triceps would be eccentric contraction.
2. How does the EMG amplitude differ between concentric and eccentric movements for the same load for the biceps (use data from the lab)?
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This means that the bigger muscles, which are the biceps will produce more force concentrically than eccentrically. The force produced by the biceps causes larger values in the EMG amplitude concentrically. The values that were obtained eccentrically produced a lesser force to prevent hyperextension of the arm and or elbow. The eccentric values are lesser compared to the concentric values.
3. Explain the physiology of this phenomenon in #2.
The brain is generating a signal to the desired muscles of the biceps and triceps, to ensure proper motor unit recruitment to generate a contraction depending on the speed. As an individual is lifting a dumbbell, the muscles will begin to perform an isometric contraction. Then the bicep muscle contracts in a concentric action of shortening the muscle. As the individual is returning the dumbbell in a downward notion the muscles will contract eccentrically.
4. How does the EMG amplitude differ between concentric and eccentric movements for the same load for the triceps (use data from the

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