Four days later the two men went over to the house of Emmett Till's uncle, and kidnapped Emmet Till. They then murdered Emmett till. When J.W Milam was asked why did he do it he said "what else could I do, he thought he was as good as any white man." The blacks in the south are going through a lot over the years they have been treated unfairly. There has been a law called Jim Crow law. That law kept blacks away from whites. Whites had there own water fountain, while blacks had there own. They were told were to sit and were to eat, they had no rights. …show more content…
They thought that they were better than any other race. While the blacks thought they should be treated with equal respects. When that incident happened all the blacks were angry and knew that they had to do something to change the way they were treated. A women named Rosa Parks said " I thought about Emmett Till, and I couldn't go back." She was afraid of how the whites would treat her if she would have got back on the bus. Many people were enraged to see that a 14 year old boy was murdered for flirting with a white woman. Many of the whites in the north were even ashamed on how they were representing the whites. Even Emmett Till's cousin was surprised he said "it never occurred to me that bobo would be killed for flirting with a white