The image of Emmett Till and his brutally mutilated body under a picture of him smiling will forever be burned into my memory. An act like this perpetrated against a kid who was just doing …show more content…
Whether it be the alt-right and KKK, or the extreme polarizers of the left, I want to believe that everything can and should be solved with nonviolence. The film talked about a man’s experience with MLK Jr.; he said that Dr. King had the words that would stir you and make you feel the emotion from those words. The world needs a new leader that can bring people together and truly wash away hate. His words made it so people would not sit still against the hate. Other than actual self-defence, I do not believe fighting will solve anything. People should not be dehumanized. Although it is hard, I truly find comfort in Dr. King’s belief of loving your enemy. Although I’m in the early stages of this film, I have to say that getting a solid foundation on the hardships that black people had to face in history motivates me to look to a brighter future. I never want another Emmett Till story to happen. I want to change the hearts and minds of those who dismiss and hate minorities. I want to spread the peace and love Dr. King preached so much about in his time. I want to believe that change will come, but I cannot see this happening without a movement of understanding and love going across the United