Analysis Of More Equal Than Others By Rebecca Solnit

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"And now I pronounce you man and wife", why is it that men gain ownership of their wives, isn 't marriage a union joined by love? Back in the day, a women 's life was dictated by their husband. Once married, a women 's identity was an extension of their husband. In younger generations, many marriages consist of equal responsibilities and both have equal say. Some would agree that the husband should be the breadwinner, and the more dominant one, while the wife is at home, caring for the children. On the other hand, others disagree and believe that there shouldn’t be any dominance, but a mutual relationship. I disagree with Mona Charen in her piece, "Modern Family?", and agree with "More equal than others" written by Rebecca Solnit on the topic …show more content…
I disagree with Charen 's reasoning because it is misunderstood that once married, wives and husbands must follow their spouses, against their own good judgment because they must "honor" them. Becoming one with your spouse does not mean you are going to have the same opinions, or beliefs about everything, despite often one must have to compromise. Although I disagree with Charen, I do agree with Solnit because she stands for equality. When I 'm older and ready to get married, I should not have to worry about becoming a housewife, and not having a say within my marriage. I support Solnit when she says, "Marriage is between equals"(Solnit 229), both partners should have equal say in everything and are free to be themselves. A marriage is just a legally recognized union, where partners work and grow together, not where one controls another. Both authors view differently, how marriages should be run, but fail to speak about how marriage limits your …show more content…
And regardless of kind what kind of marriage it is, considering sexual preference, each person should be respected, and looked as an equal. This is important because traditional marriages are based off of power and are sexist; in spite of that, everyone should be free to express themselves and not dictate or feel dictated by their partner. But above all, it is important that everyone has the liberty to identify and do as they

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