Rhetorical Analysis Of The Disestablishment Of Marriage By Stephanie Coontz

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Rhetorical Analysis In her essay, “The Disestablishment of Marriage”, Stephanie Coontz guest columnist teacher at The Evergreen State College, illustrates the change of the standards of marriage “demanding different things from marriage then in the past” with the use of studies and data. Coontz shows the data on how the present day marriage has changed from are ancestor’s views of marriage. Coontz discuss how marriage is no longer the center institution that organizes people’s lives. The purpose of Stephanie Coontz essay, “The Disestablishment of Marriage” is to implicate how today society views on marriage have change from those of the past. The author purpose isn’t to argue the change of marriage, but to inform the audience of the change …show more content…
For example, “Between 1950 and 2011, according to calculations by the University of Maryland sociologist Philip Cohen, the marriage rate fell from 90 marriage a year per 1,000 unmarried women to 31, stunning 66 percent decline”. These results show the decline in marriage of the years. To show information showing another change is “Today the average age of first marriages is almost 27 for women an 29 for men, and the range of age at first marriage is much more spread out”. This here showed the change of age of marriage and shows how marriage is not the center point of life …show more content…
Marriage is changing all over the world for the better it allows for each individual to both have experience of life as established being without having to play a role that was given when ignorance was at its all time high. People are being to have a sold foundation of life before entering in to a unequal bond. This has made couple more successful, being able to put in to the relationship what your partner puts in keep it equals allowing for the most successful for the marriage. “Over the last 30 years, egalitarian values have become increasingly important to relationship”, When marriage share the amount of work and chores it has shown to allow for marital

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