Stephanie Coontz wrote a bold statement “The notion that marriage is an impediment to commitments to the larger community. This sentence extracted from her essay the “Five Myths About Marriage. In her essay Coontz, does make a plausible case that some divorced families do enjoy a wholesome existence. Although, marriage is more than a liability. Moreover, marriage is the combination of two very different perspectives; one female and one male perspective which empowers and strengthens the union of family through modeling. For example, I asked my mother a retired psychiatric nurse about her theory of children being raised by a single parent or a married man and wife couple and she responded. “Children raised by a married couple …show more content…
Howbeit though, nothing can match the comfort and love a young person or even adult receives by two loving adults whom are your parents. I asked my son before he went to bed, “what is better single parent family or having a mother and a father. His response at seven years old was priceless. He responded, “It’s better to have two parents because having a family is a bigger relationship. F. Farris (personnel communication, January 15, 2017. Offspring raised by two parents have a much greater chance of duplicating the marriage union than do divorced couple’s offspring. For example; In an article entitled “The Effects of Marriage and Divorce on Families and Children” written by Gordon Berlin, 05/2004. Berlin states; “children who grow up in an intact, two-parent family with both biological parent’s present do better on a wide range of outcomes than children who grow up in a single-parent family.
Even though married couple’s children perform better than do the offspring of unmarried couples it can still be noted there are exceptions. For example; Tupac the Rapper and many NFL and NBA players achieved great success without the luxury of a two-parent family. Be that as it may a two-parent model is the standard. For instance, what takes more work? To remain married in a healthy union or