Mobile Learning Essay

Great Essays
Over the past decade, the advent of learning technologies invade the teachers and students? life .These technologies increase communication opportunities between individuals and learning through e-learning. Ortega, et al. (2010) defined e learning as "using electronic technologies to deliver learning content. Currently, it also implies making use of interactive learning resources through communication facilities ".It assists in building learners knowledge and make a great impact on their academic achievement. Mobile learning is a tool for exploration learning where learners gains new knowledge and experience (Sharples, M., Arnedillo-S?nchez, I., Milrad, M., & Vavoula, G. ,2009 ). Mobile learning is one of these learning approaches
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Thus, mobile learning contribute to the online learning, distance learning, sociocultural, situated learning and perhaps more than this. As scholars noticed the numerous number of students who own cellphones and almost being addicted to them, teachers should decide to start taking the benefits of this device. To do this, researchers should educate learners as well as teachers of the mobile learning profits. Recently mobile learning is becoming increasingly a source of much discussion in the education filed. Although it has many benefits, there are many advocates who thinks mobile learning has some problematic areas. Therefore, this essay will argue that to a large extent, mobile learning does enhance the learning and teaching process, despite the fact that there are some drawbacks in its implications. In order to demonstrate this, the essay first will discuss some effective approaches for using mobile learning as a supportive method of classroom teaching. Then, the essay will indicate the positive impact that can be reflected on teachers and students. Thirdly, the essay will emphasis the benefits of synchronous and asynchronous mobile learning. Finally, the essay will highlight the common obstacles and challenges of …show more content…
Brown (2008 ) reported that the high cost in integrating technological innovations such as laboratories, cellphones, mp3 players or even the software the can be used for the education purpose can be a factor that prevent using them .Further, it can be argued that learners may not have mobiles or internet connections even at their properties. This led universities to look at the possible ways to finance students and provide the same opportunity of learning to the whole group of students. As learners are receiving the same traditional learning, mobile learning should deal with it in the same

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