Almost every aspect of a persons ' life shows the importance of a mobile phone, thus no one can resist its use and ownership. In a learning institution, it is likely that almost all students and lecturers possess mobile phones; nevertheless, there has been an emergence of the Information Communication Technology (ICT) that has further enhanced the way education and learning is done at various tertiary institutions. Through ICT, there is immediate access to information required for learning and teaching. Several of the benefits derived from ICT include increased collaboration and cooperation between students and lectures, information sharing, improved communication and information access. Mtega, Bernard, Msungu and Sanare (2012) …show more content…
For example, the students do not have to be in one specific location to access their classes, rather they can do so anywhere, any time, providing they have the mobile phones and internet access. This method is equally advantageous to the lecturers and tutors because they do not have to be on-campus to teach their classes. Also, for those students who are in remote areas or live far from any learning institutions, they can easily continue their studies by adopting the use of mobile phones (Hussein & Nassuora, 2011). Through mobile phones and internet access, they can continue to educate their students without lagging behind, irrespective of their locations. It is thus advantageous to both the students and teachers and efficiency is …show more content…
No one can deny that at least most students in the campus setting have access to a mobile phone, and it is used in different capacities. While the mobile phones are used by the students for primarily leisure activities, such as networking and playing games and taking photos, it can be also be used for educational purposes. Mobile phone technology continues to develop, and its positive effects on positive performance and student learning are being reported by researchers. It is mostly adopted in tertiary education because of abilities to enhance education and learning processes coupled with flexibility. There are improvements in learning and teaching because of the sharing of information, browsing of additional information online, communicating and thus increasing interaction between lecturers and students. Therefore, adopting new technologies in higher education is far more than adopting technical innovations, but implementing the use of the technologies by developing policies, training the parties involved and ensuring the availability of the resources required. With all these components, the use of new technologies such as mobile phones and the internet will be a