Michiana Behavioral Health Center Observation

Superior Essays
Three of us visited Michiana Behavioral Health Center or MBHC in Plymouth. Locating a facility proved an easy process but receiving an interview took more time. The facility lacks efficiency in returning phone calls. The Clinical Director, Kim and a staff member, Ron obtained their Masters in Social Work or MSW and Licensed Clinical Social Worker or LCSW among more licenses. The clinical director stated that she supervised programs, activities, and education. She informed us about a military insurance called Tricare that they accept. Insurance defines the length of time a client stays which may include from a couple of days to several months. They accept Tricore or military insurance too. The facility provides treatment for children, youth, and adults. Treatment includes acute or residential care. MBHC includes family education to help clients and their family work together. Group and sometimes-individual therapy provided with Dialectal Behavior Therapy or DBT. Anger management, skills training, motivational interviewing, interpersonal effectiveness, distress tolerance, and emotional regulation are part of DBT but since the length of stay of many individuals is a few days only some aspects can be covered. The facility runs as an inpatient unit with aid to find transition to outside resources. MBHC attempts to take in to consideration individual lifestyles within reason. Three Sundays a month a nondenominational church service is provided for those who sign up to attend. Another example provided included making sure particular meal requirements were made for health or religious reasons. MBHC accepts people who walk in, come from the emergency room, or referred by an assessment. The assessment and other documentation are part of the intake to the facility. The process does not include preforming a diagnosis. Sometimes a court order by a judge or judge pro tem is required for admission and the name of the court must be noted if a reference back to the court becomes necessary. Contact of the incorrect court requires extra time to find the correct court and the information. The assessment determines the length of stay for detox of substance abuse on alcohol, opiates, and benzeoprines. Other issues include depression and suicide, anxiety, ADHD, and PTSD. Residential includes a longer stay. Provided for children and youth include an emotional and educational component. Two psychiatrists work at the facility and two medical doctors are available in the morning. Discharge also includes paperwork and completing a crisis plan. Information is reviewed about outside providers, community outreach, and ways to transition out of the facility. If there is an emergency and crisis, a person is detained while a court order is obtained to keep the person in the facility. The paperwork the clinical supervisor and others preform appears to include the least favored part of the job. Some include assessments and progress notes. The most rewarding part included stories of a children’s’ improvement. One instance of a child with multiple problems due to being born crack baby improvements he made in behavior. Some reports of anger management, memory problems and other problems that need continued reinforcement because a person is not capable or remembering very long. Sometimes even small …show more content…
Ceasing alcohol intake abruptly may kill a person while some substances may make a person wish they were dead. The withdraw symptoms which may include pain, headaches, muscle twitching can incapacitate a person for a while. The facility uses a step down method to return the person to a sober or clean status before leaving for hopefully additional help on the outside. The clinical director stated that parts of the problem are doctors and pharmacists that prescribe medications for to long. Another issue is with how Department of Child Resources or DCS handles observation or placement of children in homes. Observation and reporting medical, emotional, educational conditions in the home should have stricter policies. Michiana Behavior Health Center offers education for community members through out the year. Listed events for the rest of this year include ethics, sex and disability, and DBT. These events are Continuing Education Unit or CEU qualified and calling before is encouraged to check the date and topic of the event. The time listed is 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and is Eastern Standard Time at the

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