Unfortunately, the intake receptionist reacts poorly and Darlene was almost refused from treatment due to the argument which ensues. Evans-Lacko and Thornicroft (2010) state that for both substance use and mental health treatment, persons with co-occurring disorders are often: discharged early from treatment, refused admission into treatment, or have difficulty being referred to appropriate treatment. Although Darlene was repeatedly turned away from treatment, her interaction with the intake receptions displays a clear and present need for knowledge, training, policies, and procedures which help all workers in an agency recognize symptoms which can exist in the intersections of metal health, substance use, and trauma: insert trauma-informed
Unfortunately, the intake receptionist reacts poorly and Darlene was almost refused from treatment due to the argument which ensues. Evans-Lacko and Thornicroft (2010) state that for both substance use and mental health treatment, persons with co-occurring disorders are often: discharged early from treatment, refused admission into treatment, or have difficulty being referred to appropriate treatment. Although Darlene was repeatedly turned away from treatment, her interaction with the intake receptions displays a clear and present need for knowledge, training, policies, and procedures which help all workers in an agency recognize symptoms which can exist in the intersections of metal health, substance use, and trauma: insert trauma-informed