Media Bias In The 19th Century

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How many times have you turned on the television, logged on to the internet, or bought a local paper to find local or world news through these sources? The media plays a key role in the development of society. Many people think the media has little effect on how you view the world, but the fact of the matter is the media has more effect on your views than you think.
The roots of media bias go back to the nineteenth century, and complaints about bias in part reflect a questionable idea about the media’s role and purpose: that newspapers and other dispensers of public information exist to transmit objective, factual information gleaned and communicated by credentialed professionals (Thorton, 2013).
In the nineteenth century, most newspapers
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They managed to set up a small farm and work a claim near Hangtown. That same year a Foreign Miners Tax was imposed in California. Their neighbors also tried to run them off by telling them that it was illegal for Mexicans to hold a claim. They ignored the threats of their neighbors for as long as they could until they were forced to give up everything. They weren’t doing anything to anyone they were just hated for being different. Fueled by rage and the inability to find work, Joaquin and other immigrants band together to retaliate on the people who took their claims from them. They were known as the Five Joaquins. It was said that they were responsible for cattlerussling, robberies, and murders that occurred during this period. Had you not known the backstory as to why they became this way then you would have no choice but to take the medias word for what happened however they want you to view it. This is an example of bias. There are many different types of bias that you should be aware of while your views hang in the balance.
Bias by commission. To find bias by commission often requires research. Unfortunately, while reputable books and studies have no credibility without footnotes, the media (especially television reporters) often ask you simply to believe them. But when reporters cite a specific group or study, get a copy of the original report.
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Bias by story selection: a pattern of highlighting news stories that coincide with the agenda of the Left while ignoring stories that coincide with the agenda of the Right (Allen, 2015).
Bias by placement. The news they consider most important and/or most likely to sell papers goes “above the fold” on the front page, where it can be read as the newspaper sits on the rack. Less important stories go on the bottom half of the first page, on the first page of other sections of the paper, on page two or three, and so on. The (supposedly) least important stories appear in the back pages (Allen, 2015). Bias by spin. emphasizing certain aspects of a news story in the hope that other aspects will be ignored. Party spokesmen who talk with reporters after a presidential debate, seeking to convince them that their candidate won, are called “spin doctors.” One expert on the news media, Professor Michael Robinson, explains that spin involves tone, the part of the reporting that extends beyond hard news (Allen, 2015).
Bias by labeling. The media’s power to label people is one of its most subtle, and potent. Responsible conservatives are sometimes stigmatized as “far right,” “ultra-conservative,” or “right-wing extremists,” while radicals, even Marxists, are called “progressives,” “liberals,” or “moderates” (Allen,

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