Rhetorical Analysis Of When All News Is Fake '

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In the article, “When all news is ‘fake’, whom do we trust?” the author Ruth Marcus writes from an interesting point of view about the media. Her article provides no biasness and only gives facts about the media and the society at large. She leaves the begging question as to whether the media should or should not be trusted by the society to the reader of the article. She provides facts to support her article, the technique of the author’s delivery is established as formal. The purpose of this essay is to provide a rhetoric analysis of the article “When all news is ‘fake’, whom do we trust?” the author Ruth Marcus.
The author points out to the loss of credibility in the media, we see the claim being based on the United States president. The
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The author observes that not only did the mainstream media get it wrong but it showed how the influence of the mainstream media has declined. With a lot of biased coverage, the media had put a lot effort at throwing the election at Hillary Clinton, by giving her unlimited and positive coverage, but surprisingly, she still lost in the elections. The author argues that there is only two steps the media can take after what happened in the U.S elections; the mainstream media would decide to match on with their biasness which would eventually make them irrelevant or the media should be honest, accept their flaws and change. The author said, he had no luck when it came to getting a person from the media ask them if they acknowledged their biasness in the elections. He claims that, most likely the media will never notice their biasness because they are very saturated in it. The author also adds that what the United States needs is an objective, impartial and vibrant fourth …show more content…
He further states that in sarcastic manner, “If nothing is true, then everything is false.” Hillary Clinton also suffered such accusations, she had allegations purporting her to having a child sex ring that was run by her operatives. The author tries to point out that, president Trump was not responsible for the fake news, but all the same he seemed to enjoy them. The author provides evidence of when the president was talking to CNN and called the accusation leveled against him that, he was still working on his apprentice show while in the presidency. He proudly regarded this as fake

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