Chen opens up his article with a story of how Orson Welles, a radio broadcaster, performed “The War of the Worlds” over the radio with only some warning of it being a radio adaptation and that aliens were not actually invading. However, since the radio was one of the largest news platforms back then, many listeners were convinced that their world was truly being invaded. This was only one of the crazy stories since the radio was invented in 1895. Even with the radio being one of the most powerful sources of …show more content…
Now, not only were users able to use these at home, but they could now be apart of them as well, having full engagement from wherever they where at any point in time. The inability for people to fully evaluate what was presented to them did not change, yet it only became worse once unreliable news sources becoming popularized. With no direction through false news on the internet users could only rely on reliable sources but even then, some still continued to turn to fake news, such as, Donald Trump. During his presidential campaign, “fake-news stories...were reported to be flooding social networks” (Chen 2017).Similarly to the irresponsibility of Orson Welles, followers of Trump were mislead by lies