“Google, Democracy and the Truth About Internet Search” written by Carole Cadwalladr discusses how the quickly evolving internet is connected to the growth of fake news in our society. Articles such as this lead to a wide variety of questions about the world today. Now ask yourself, how has society been affected by the popularity of fake news on the internet? No matter where you happen to stumble upon the internet, there’s a chance you’ll come across a form of fake news. On that note, fake news can become a highly irritating thing. In her article, Carole Cadwalladr talks about the moment she noticed that there was a major dilemma going on with her Google searches. As the author types in “Are Jews,” Google’s …show more content…
What most people don’t know is that Google, the multi-billion dollar search engine, was only founded in 1998. Not to mention that in the year 2004, the word famous social network, Facebook, was launched (Cadwalladr 18). The rate at which new technology is created is always speeding up. With that in mind, fake news will only continue to rule over the rest of the internet and cause issues for society. The internet has gone down quite the slippery slope and appears that the damage is irreversible. Cadwalladr continues to write about Elon’s assistant professor, Jonathan Albright. She writes that he had conducted a study to find how many fake news sights he could find. He started his study off with a little over 300 fake news articles. After some testing, Albright was shocked to find that this number had increased to well over 1,000 fake news articles (Cadwalladr 23). While Cadwalladr mainly focuses on Google and Facebook due to their popularity over other sites, her article applies to the entire …show more content…
This idea can be found in the article “Fake News on Facebook isn’t that Influential, until it Bubbles Out into the Open” by James Carson. The term “fake news” had become the next big media story after President Donald Trump had pointed out to CNN reporter, Jim Acosta, and stated “You are fake news” (Carson 1). The 2016 presidential election was all over the place with false claims and accusations being found all throughout the internet. Facebook was a major hot spot for all these fake news articles. The article discusses some of the most popular fake news articles to make their way to the well-known social network stating, “Pope backs Trump, Hillary sold weapons to ISIS, FBI Agent Suspected in Hillary Email Leaks Found Dead” (Carson 7). As it is abundantly clear, these articles are obviously fictional and designed to manipulate readers. The article goes deeper into the election stating the effects fake news had on the outcome of the highly controversial decision. Fake news outlets do this by “Strongly attacking or backing one political side, then publish it via their website Facebook page” (Carson 10). The article goes on to talk of how dangerous fake news is when trusted by the general public. The influence that it has on people is astronomical as people’s opinions appear to change. When one is seeing the same article come up over and over again, it’s only a matter of time before the