Marijuana Persuasive Speech

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With more and more states legalizing marijuana, and now Canada following suit, we need to take a hard look at driving while under the influence.
Some states have decriminalized the possession of small amounts of marijuana. Others have passed cannabis laws allowing for limited use of medical marijuana. Still other medical marijuana laws are even broader, depending on the medical condition. So how do these cannabis laws come into play when you’re driving under the influence? And, what affect does marijuana actually have on your driving skills?
You may think your driving is just fine. You may also think that driving under the influence of marijuana is legal in a “legalized” state or country — think again. Get to know the laws and more importantly
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Additionaly, your ability to draw from past driving experience is compromised. Although, it seems that the effect of THC on occasional users impairs driving performance more than it does for regular users. Experts believe this may happen because of an increased tolerance and an ability to compensate for driving high. 2. Drivers can be tested for THC if they are pulled over for impaired driving
To date, 24 states and the District of Columbia have passed laws legalizing cannabis in some form. Meanwhile, Canada too, is on the verge of legalizing marijuana. So, what are the legalities surrounding drugged driving?
Keep in mind, just like drunk driving; driving under the influence is a crime, even if your impairment happened due to prescribed drugs.
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Problems seem to arise when larger doses of THC are present in the blood. “Higher” drivers tend to weave in and out of lanes more, react slower to yellow lights and unexpected obstacles and are less aware of thier speed. Studies show that drivers who smoke approximately half of a joint are more likely to cause an accident than drivers who had not used drugs or alcohol. 4. The effect of pot on driving skills is strongest during the first hour
People, who drive right after using marijuana, double their risk of getting into an accident. THC is strongest during the first hour.
But, it’s important to note that THC remains in the blood even after the effects have worn off. In addition, people will often process THC at different speeds, which means some may feel the affect from the high up to five hours later. What’s more, people who smoke a joint occasionally may still have levels of THC in their blood for up to seven days.
Typically, law enforcement officer’s collects blood 90 minutes after an arrest and three to four hours after an accident. 5. Drinking alcohol and smoking pot together, produces a different effect than when you use each

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