I am an African American male, I am 22 and I am a college student. Statistics have shown that of those three things only one is something I am expected …show more content…
They were dragged here against their will, had their families torn apart and were told that they were only three-fifths of a human being. My ancestors had to fight for their freedom, then fight for their right be seen as equal and now we fight for our life’s. We are scared of each other, we are scared of the very people sworn to protect us and now we are scared of the man chosen to lead us.
Over the past several weeks I’ve seen a country speechless and distraught. Some are still in awe while others are trying to find a way to explain what happened. Many just couldn’t believe that our country could in any way stand behind such bigoted and hateful words. They believed that this country had made so much progress and while racism and ignorance weren’t dead, they definitely didn’t have the same power as they once had. The problem with that is that many of those same people never step outside of their own lives. They actually believe that this is possibly the worst time in American …show more content…
The problem with constantly being disappointed is that eventually you become numb to it and expect it. You expect your country to make the wrong decision. You expect that cop that pulled you over to escalate something to an extreme fearing that you could possibly be taking your last steps. You expect the communities you live in to be more like crabs in a barrel instead of uplifting you to be better. That is the America I live in and it always has been. Which leads me back to the one question that no one ever thought to ask the presidential elect. Who are you “Making America Great Again” for?
Is it for the black family whose ancestors were enslaved? Is for the woman who has until this very day never been viewed as equal? Is it for the Muslim who is viewed by the general public as an extreme terrorist simply because of their religious beliefs? Is it for the gay man, the lesbian woman or the transgender looking for the simple right to marry and live in peace? What demographic has this country ever actually been great