Trapezius- Origin:
Upper: Base of skull, Occipital protuberance and posterior ligaments of neck.
Middle: spinous process of 7C and T1-T3
Lower: Spinous process of T4-T12
Upper: Posterior aspect of the lateral clavicle.
Middle: Medial border if the acromion process and the upper boarder of the acromion
Lower: Base of the scapular spine.
Upper: Scapula elevation and extension of the head at neck
Middle: Elevation, upward rotation and adduction of scapula
Lower: Depression adduction, upward rotation of the scapula. Exercise: EZ bar upright rows and Barbell shrugs Deltoids- Origin: Anterior: Anterior lateral third of clavicle Middle: Lateral aspects of acromion Posterior: Inferior edge of spine scapula Insertion: Anterior: Deltoid tuberocity on lateral humerous Middle: Deltoid tuerocity on lateral humerous Posterior: Deltoid tuberocity on lateral humerous Action: Anterior: Abduction, flexion, horizontal adduction and internal rotation of glenohumeral joint Middle: Abduction of the glenohumeral joint Posterior: Abduction, extension, horizontal abduction and external rotation of glenohumeral joint Exercise: Lateral Deltoid raises, Military press, Overhead press. Latissimus Dorsi- Origin: Posterior crest of illium, back of sacrum and spinious process of lumbar and lower T6-T12. Insertion: Medial side of tubercular groove of humerus Action: Addition, Extension and internal rotation of glenohumeral joint; horizontal abduction of glenohumeral joint. Exercise: Deadlift, Barbell rows, Single arm dumbbell rows Pectoralis Major- Origin: Clavicular: Medial half anterior surface of clavicle Sternal: Anterior surfaces of costal cartilage of first 6 ribs and adjacent portion of sternum Insertion: Clavicular: Flat tendon 2 or 3 inches wide to the outer lip of intertubercular Sternal: Groove of humerus Action: Clavicular: Internal rotation, horizontal adduction, flexion abduction, and adduction Sternal: internal rotation, horizontal adduction, extension, and adduction of the glenohumeral joint Exercise: Bench press, dumbbell bench press, Incline, decline, and flat chest flyes. …show more content…
Biceps brachii- origin:
Long head: Supraglenoid tubercle above the superior lip of glenoid fossa
Short head: Coracoid process of scapula and upper lip of glenoid fossa
Tuberosity of radius and bicipital aponeurosis
Flexion of elbow, supination of forearm, weak flexion of shoulder joint
Bicep curl, hammer curl, barbell curl.
Triceps brachii- origin:
Long head: Infraglenoid tubercle below inferior lip of glenoid fossa scapula
Lateral head: Upper half of posterior or surface of humerus
Medial head: Distal 2/3 of posterior surface of humerus
Olecranon process of ulna
Long, lateral, medial head: Are involved in the extension of the elbow. Exercise: Tricep rope pull downs, Skull crushers, Tricep kickback Rectus Femoris- origin: Anterior iliac spine of the ilium and groove above the acetabulum Insertion: Superior aspect of patella and patellar tendon of tibial tuberosity Action: Flexion of hip, Extension of knee. Exercise: Squat, leg extension, leg press. Bicep femoris- origin: Long head: ischial tuberosity Short head: lower half of linea aspera, and lateral condyloid ridge Insertion: Lateral condyloid of tibia and head of fibula. Action: Extension of hip, flexion of knee, internal rotation of hip and knee. Exercise: Squat, Leg curl, standing hamstring curl Semitendinosus- origin: Ischial tuberosity Insertion: Upper anterior medial surface of tibia