In the short story “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell, General Sanger Rainsford was the main character. In the story the main idea is that there are two types of people in the world, “The hunter and the huntees”. There is a conflict when General Sanger Rainsford meets a cossack named General Zaroff. General Zaroff claims that he is the best hunter in the world and ended up getting bored hunting big game. General Zaroff is also a bit confidence in his ability to hunt in which leads him to start hunting other species of animals.. Humans. General Zaroff plays a game with General Sanger Rainsford that will test his adversity and the will to survive. General Zaroff has not lost in the game since …show more content…
One person who was hunted was General Sanger Rainsford by General Zaroff. General Zaroff states: Here in my Preserve on this island I hunt more dangerous game” (Connell pg.223) This was the main part of the story in which the story revolved around these two. Another one was General Sanger Rainsford in which he hunted almost every species of animals in the world. He not only that but ended up writing his own hunting book all about the animals he has hunted and how to hunt them. Another one was Zaroff hunting just plain out humans. On the other hand General Zaroff himself is hunted in which he gives the person playing a knife to help defend him from what Zaroff has in store. Another thing that was hunted was humans but not by General Zaroff himself but by the menacing dogs. When Zaroff couldn't find the person he was after or was running out of tie he simply let out his dogs and the dogs would then lead Zaroff to the person. In the beginning of Zaroff’s life he was a big hunter and hunted only animals, but as he grew up it started to bore him. With that being said he changed his style of hunting and went to hunt more intelligent things aka “Humans.” Even though General Sanger Rainsford played General Zaroff’s game which in spite he has never lost ended up fighting through adversity and beating