General Zaroff Character Analysis Essay

Improved Essays
The story "The most Dangerous Games" rotates around two characters that are assuming the part of hunter and prey. The plot of this story is how a hunter named Rainsford gets trapped in an island after he falls off his yacht and meets another character named General Zaroff. The General is a past middle age Russian Cossack with a costly house on an island called Ship-Trap and they start to share interests and beasts they have hunted. General Zaroff shows through his actions his immorality by willing to hunt humans for fun. Although he shows a savage side of him, he still acts civilized in the beginning and offers his guests food and shelter for a day. Nevertheless, his pride and lifestyle has made a killer out of him and with it all sense of humanity.

The thing that got my attention about General Zaroff is his complex personality and his superficial charm. He appears like a cultivated and legitimate noble man when he welcomes Rainsford with food and "held out his hand to welcome Rainsford", yet when he starts to recount his story you discover how ruthless his personality is. He uses the island to take wrecked travelers into his house to encourage them and give them a place to
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The endorsed savagery of his childhood and early masculinity depleted the general of his compassion and ability to make moral judgments. His energy for the chase and love of the refined, in the interim, drove him to degrade human life. Truth be told, Zaroff even acclaim his pure breed dogs over the lives of the mariners he chases. Connell depicts Zaroff's sharp-pointed teeth and smacking red lips to dehumanize him and highlight his ruthless nature. Unexpectedly, Rainsford finds that General Zaroff is much more awful than the "rubbish" he contemptuously chases, without all feeling and humankind regardless of his appearing social

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