In Richard Connell 's best-known work is the short story, first written in 1924, "The Most Dangerous Game." The story starts when Sanger Rainsford, a celebrated hunter and army veteran from New York, falls off his boat and ends up in the shore of a mysterious island. Walking through the island he finds a mansion on the top of a cliff. When he goes to the mansion he is welcomed by General Zaroff and his frightening deaf-mute servant Ivan. Zaroff is an experienced hunter who has traveled the world looking for the most challenging animals to hunt. But he explains that he has become bored with hunting animals and that he now prefers to hunt humans who are a more challenging prey. Looking for the most …show more content…
Fort starters in the story Rainsford falls from his boat while in the movie his boat sinks and he is the only survivor. Another glaring difference is the fact that in the story when Rainsford arrives at the mansion he the only survivor, while in the movie he is the third survivor along with Eve and Martin. The movie changes the hunt and instead of Rainsford having to survive by himself for three days, he has to survive with Eve for only one night. The ending was changed as well in the movie, in they book the author does not state what happen to Zaroff, while in the movie is clearly visible that Zaroff dies. There are also minor differences between the two version of the story, on the movie the names of the main characters were changed from General Zaroff to Count Zaroff and Sanger Rainsford to Robert "Bob" Rainsford. Furthermore, some characters were excluded from the movie version, for example in the story Whitney introduces the island, while in the movie he does not appear at all. It can be seen that the characters and plot were very different from each other in both the short story and the movie, but these differences are what led to very different and interesting versions of this