1908 Walker opened a factory and a beauty school in Pittsburg named Lelia College but was shut down in two years. By 1910 she transferred her business operations to Indianapolis. In Indianapolis not only did the company manufactured cosmetics, but also trained sale beauticians. The workers were known as “Walker Agents” became popular throughout the black communities in America. In return, they promoted her slogan “cleanliness and loveliness” to promote the status of African American people. Walker organized clubs and conventions which recognized her amazing sales and educational efforts among African-Americans. Walker traveled all throughout the world to promote her products; she even went to the Caribbean and Latin American to recruit people. She went over product use, hygienic tips, care techniques, and market strategies in her annual conventions. She rewarded people who were the most successful by giving away cash rewards. Her daughter Lelia really wanted to move to New York City, by begging her mom enough in 1913 Walker purchased property in NYC. In 1916 she moved to an expensive and luxurious town home that was built in Harlem. A year later she decided to build an estate called Villa Lewaro that was constructed on Irvington-Hudson, New York. Walker did a lot of giving back in her time, even though she had many luxuries. Lelia and she managed each part of their business carefully. The headquarters was in Indianapolis and gave back to many charities. A rumor has it that her first husband was killed by a lynched, which was the main reason she supported anti lynching laws and gave to the National Association for Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). The Walker family gave to many charities from religious to civil rights
1908 Walker opened a factory and a beauty school in Pittsburg named Lelia College but was shut down in two years. By 1910 she transferred her business operations to Indianapolis. In Indianapolis not only did the company manufactured cosmetics, but also trained sale beauticians. The workers were known as “Walker Agents” became popular throughout the black communities in America. In return, they promoted her slogan “cleanliness and loveliness” to promote the status of African American people. Walker organized clubs and conventions which recognized her amazing sales and educational efforts among African-Americans. Walker traveled all throughout the world to promote her products; she even went to the Caribbean and Latin American to recruit people. She went over product use, hygienic tips, care techniques, and market strategies in her annual conventions. She rewarded people who were the most successful by giving away cash rewards. Her daughter Lelia really wanted to move to New York City, by begging her mom enough in 1913 Walker purchased property in NYC. In 1916 she moved to an expensive and luxurious town home that was built in Harlem. A year later she decided to build an estate called Villa Lewaro that was constructed on Irvington-Hudson, New York. Walker did a lot of giving back in her time, even though she had many luxuries. Lelia and she managed each part of their business carefully. The headquarters was in Indianapolis and gave back to many charities. A rumor has it that her first husband was killed by a lynched, which was the main reason she supported anti lynching laws and gave to the National Association for Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). The Walker family gave to many charities from religious to civil rights