“The Supreme Court held, with considerable disagreement, that the federal 18-year-old voting age requirement is valid for national elections, but not for State or local elections.” The Checks and Balances worked very well in this case. The Legislative branch made the law to where all voting age was 18-years-old in National, State, and local elections. The Executive branch enforced the law, and then the Judicial branch interpreted and checked the law and ended up sending it back. The Justices said that only the States, and not the Congress, have the authority to establish the qualification rules for voters in State and local elections.…
Americans should not be required to vote. Once an action becomes required by the law, it becomes a chore. Document B shows the difference in rates of adults who are above 30 and under who vote. Ages 18 to 29 are at a little above 50%, while the rest start at 60% and go up. It is evident that younger Americans are not as interested or devoted to our elections.…
However, besides my point, I think the strongest argument to lowering the age would be the double-standards teens face. We are held to have thousands of responsibilities that adults do, yet we don't have necessarily all the exact same rights. Voting, as many people…
As we have learned in our text, incumbents are more often than not re-elected to the U.S. Congress in high rates. In Understanding American Government: California Edition the author states that “incumbency is even more of an asset to members of congress than it is to presidents.” But why might this be? I believe that the system of American government gives incumbents an almost unfair advantage when it comes to the acquisition of campaign funds as well as helpful media exposure.…
Should 16- and 17-year- old Citizens Be Allowed to Vote? The way to get more people to vote is to get teens to vote. However, would it really be worth the time and effort to make this happen? The 26th Amendment gave 18 year olds the right to vote.…
The argument of whether the legal drinking age should be lowered has been in great opposition. According to Brandon Grigg’s article “Should The U.S Lower Its Drinking Age”, published in CNN. A 2007 Gallup poll found that 77% of Americans opposed lowering the drinking age in all states to 18. I'm in favor of that and believe that lowering the drinking age will result in more harm than good.…
According to an article on The Cincinnati Enquirer, studies have shown that voting is a habit to begin early. It was found that if people don’t start out as voters when they are young, they are less likely to ever vote. One of these studies included a Yale University study in which it was discovered that students shown how to operate a voting machine were more than twice as likely to vote as students who weren’t shown. Lowering the voting age would both increase voter turnout and further educate citizens about the voting process, in turn causing them to vote more responsibly than some young adults today. It is for these reasons that I strongly believe that the voting age in the United States should be lowered to sixteen years of age.…
As the United States has grown from a small, agrarian nation of 2.5 million men and women to a burgeoning superpower of more than 300 million, a great transformation has ensued: Suffrage has expanded from only land-owning white Protestant men to all Americans, regardless of skin, gender, or creed, above the age of 18. Indeed, the massive growth of liberty which has occurred since 1776 is one of our nation’s proudest achievements. But this great national mission has not reached its conclusion, for younger Americans are denied the ability to influence the government’s agenda. For a land conceived in freedom to further realize the democratic ideal it has yearned and shed blood for, it is essential that we take a novel step forward: Lowering the voting age to 16.…
First of all, the outrageous criteria to be eligible to vote here in the United States is undoubtedly preposterous. To vote, you first have to be 18 years or older ("What Are the Requirements to Be Eligible to Vote in Federal Elections?"). While this may seem justified, many people eager to vote are being withheld from doing so because of this age requirement. Voting shouldn’t be off limits to someone because of their age! Instead, the age requirement should be lowered significantly in order to allow more freedom for a surplus of citizens.…
The American nation is a declared cabinet of hope and freedom in which the people are liable for regulating what the country will take part in. Voting is a primary action for citizens to get their opinion and beliefs acknowledge by the government. When citizens appoint the decision to disengage in voting they are purloining their own freedom of speech, that individuals across the nation desire to receive. The foundation of America is a democracy, in which people should have the willing thought to participate in a free council administration that's grants liberty in opinion. However, every democracy lacks a sense of perfection with disagreements and some lack of knowledge.…
Should the minimum voting age be 18 years old? The 26th Amendment gives young adults under the age of 21 the right to vote. At the time of the Vietnam War the minimum voting age was 21 years old. Whether or not you think the minimum voting age should be 18, the 26th Amendment helped further improve equality in the United States.…
There has been an ongoing debate in regards to lowering the drinking age from 21 to 18 years old in The United States. Some suggest if we were to consider lowering the drinking age to 18 this could mean young people would have access to alcohol. It is not uncommon for 21 year olds to provide minors or those under 21 with alcoholic beverages. Reducing the drinking age to 18 could possibly result in younger teenagers, even as young as 13 having access to alcohol. Minors find ways to get around the 21-year-old limit and will continue to do so in the future.…
If the age were to be lowered there would actually be fewer minors going on binge drinking sprees. This can help save lives. However, by the drinking age being at twenty-one years old, it has been useless. More benefits would appear if the…
In the last few decades, we have witnessed an even larger shift in voter turnout between the baby boomers and millennials. The older citizens are turning out to vote more than younger citizens especially in midterm years. There are two main reasons for this, which absolutely need to be discussed. In addition, the effects of these two reasons in turnout provides the importance for even considering them. Voter Turnout Effected by Many Factors: (Esp.…
At eighteen one can vote, join the service, get married, buy tobacco, work in a bar, and do many other things. The drinking age should be lowered back to eighteen because: if eighteen year olds are capable of voting and fighting for their country, they should be able to have a drink, also, lowering the age would help with less college students…