In document C, it tries to justify mandatory voting by comparing it to attending school,or paying taxes. There is one big difference in my eyes here. When you vote for the president, you are an important impact to the future of the country. It could be positive or negative, but if a person is forced to contribute to that impact, they may not even care. They could negatively impact the polls without a care in the world just because it is mandatory, where if there was no mandatory voting that person would of just refrained from contributing. I believe that it is better for people who do not care to have the option to not contribute. …show more content…
Another thing about Italy is the way they punish their voters. They do so by posting their names outside city hall and announce the amount of years they did not contribute. Clearly this is not a good idea, instead of punishing for what they aren't doing, praise them for what they are doing. Give every individual who votes a tax voters tax cut. That way people have more incentive to vote. There is a risk of people carelessly voting so make sure there is a video with a quiz that the citizens have to take in order to get the tax cut. That way they no longer have the chance to vote just to get the