Persuasive Essay: Lower The Drinking Age

Improved Essays
Teandrya Harris

In today’s society the government has a strict policy against underage drinking. On July 17, 1984 The National Minimum Drinking Age Act was passed by the United States Congress. This act permitted anyone under the age of 21 to purchase or consume any alcohol in all 50 states. This act has had quite an impact of over the years on America’s youth. It has led the public to question whether this law should lower the drinking age. The government has responded by actually taking a look into reducing the drinking age from 21 to 18. Many Americans have felt the need to express how much they think this law should change. Majority of the reason as to why people would want to see this change is to eliminate alcohol charges
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Alcohol is a dangerous substance that could cause harm if it were in the wrong hands. Alcohol can easily be misused at the age of 18. It is a depressant that slows down living cells, mostly in the brain. The effects of too much alcohol can cause blurred vision, slowed reaction, and short term memory lost. Drinking slows down the body’s reaction, which could cause trouble for teens, especially at parties. Serious complications could emerged if misused There would be consequences if the government decides to. There are many reasons to support my opinion on lowering it. This law protects young adults from the bad affects alcohol has on the body. It helps saves lives, especially on the road. Drunk driving has been a problem for many years. It has happened mostly with adults between the ages of 21-30, and this is with the law in place. Having the law lowered would only introduce drunk drivers lower then 21, causes a problem within …show more content…
It could cause younger adults to become alcoholics. Binge drinking is likely to come along with the drinking age being reduced. Consuming certain amounts of alcohol could cause damage to your liver. So putting it into the hands of an 18 year old isn’t the best to do. At this age you are not aware of the choices you make. Most 18 year olds are still in high school, and not quite mature. Peer pressure has put this into effect; teens tend to drink too much which causes alcohol poisoning. This could give high school students younger than 18 a chance to consume alcohol as well. Having a friend at that age who could buy it for you could happen in many situations. So if it were to happen this could give teens an easier access to alcohol. The number of DUI’s has slowly increased within the past 5 years; this is without changing the drinking age. The government has already had problems within the last 5-7 years about misuse of alcohol, lowering the age would put more increase the problems. According to Tara Watson, “Research has shown that a drinking age of 21 does reduce alcohol use by those under 21, including high school students.” That goes to show that if the law is enforced the right way then we could help minimize underage drinking. The earlier you drink in your life, the earlier you are to have complications from too much alcohol. Too much alcohol could cause harm for your liver and be fatal. At the age of 18 you

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