Lima Bean Experiment

Improved Essays
Question: How do various liquids (Tap water, creek water, miracle grow + water) affect the growth of a plant?

Background Information: When recalling knowledge about what plants need to grow, some things were obvious; sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. Lima beans are a annual, and need to be in a warm climate to grow best. Lima beans grow best in temperatures between 60 degrees and 70 degrees and prefer a soil pH of 6.0 to 6.8. Also, lima beans need specific water levels to be successful. If you water the plant too much, then the seed can become too saturated and drown. If a plant is watered too little, the plant does not get the correct amount of water, and the seed can dry up and not sprout. When growing plants you should understand
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Control Variables: Amount of dirt, time in light, type of bean, type of soil, source of the light, amount of liquid, room temperature, and time watered.

Dependent Variables: Height of plant, # of leaves on the plant, posture of the stem.

Independent Variable: Creek water and miracle grow + water

Experimental Group: Plants watered with creek water and miracle grow + water
Control Group: Plant watered with tap water
Grab three cups and three lima bean seeds
Label one cup tap water, one creek water, and one miracle grow + water
Fill the cups up with the same potting soil, half full
Bury the seeds under the dirt, about an inch down
Water the seeds with 25 milliliters of the designated liquid in a graduated cylinder
For the miracle grow, fill the graduated cylinder with 25 milliliters of water, then put in a pinch of fertilizer, and mix
Measure all the plants height (with a ruler), check the posture of the stem, and number of leaves
Record your data into a data table
Put your plants back under the
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According to my data, our hypothesis was inaccurate. The control plant grew an average of 13 millimeters a day with an overall straight posture and 1-2 leaves, whereas the miracle grow plant never sprouted. The creek water bean plant grew an average of 12 millimeters a day with an overall straight posture and 1-2 leaves. I believe that the science behind the seed dying is because of an error. The error was how much miracle grow I added to the water. This could have messed up the plant growth by killing the bean. It also could have not grown because the seed was cracked to begin with. The bean might have already been

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