The first experiment on the effects of acid rain germination of radish seeds, materials used were twenty radish seeds, , acid rain solution, pH strips, paper towels, two petri dishes, and tap water. The second experiment on testing the effects acid rain had on radish plant growth, the materials used were twelve radish seeds, six plastic cups, potting soil, two acid rain solutions (one with a pH of 3and one with a pH of five), tap water, UV lights, and six plastic bags. These were all materials used throughout the course of the lab.
The method used for testing the effects of acid rain on radish seed germination is rather simple. We started out with twenty radish seeds, we then split the twenty radish seeds into two groups of ten. One group was to be our control, one group was to be our test subject. We then took our two petri dishes and lined the bottoms with paper towels. Then we soaked paper towels in one of the petri dishes with tap water. Within itself the other paper towels in the other petri dish with our acid rain solution with a pH of three. We formed the acid rain solution by mixing vinegar and tap water until we achieve the desired pH of three. After soaking the petri dishes, one with tap water one with acid rain solution, we took our two groups of ten radish seeds and placed one group in each petri dish. We then placed the petri dishes under the UV lights, and let them sit for one …show more content…
For this experiment my hypothesis was correct. The control petri dish germinated nine out of ten radish seeds, and the acid rain petri dish germinated zero out of ten radish seeds. For the second experiment, I said in my hypothesis was that both sets of plants, that were given the acid rain solutions, would underperform compared to the control; and the set of plants given the acid rain solution with a pH of three would underperform the control, as well as, the set of plants given and acid rain solution with a pH of five. For this experiment my hypothesis was half correct. Group B, with the acid rain solution with a pH of three, underperformed both group C, with the acid rain solution with a pH of five, and group A, the control. Group A, the control was the healthiest of the three groups, however group C grew to be the overall highest 17.75 cm. This occurrence could be due to the plastic bags are plants replaced in. Group A showed signs that the plastic bags limited plant growth. The stem of the plants in group A where folded over top of themselves like a ribbon. This leads me to believe that the plastic bags would’ve been removed, group A would have outperformed group C in