Due to the on the go nature of the companies target market it is best the company focus on promoting digitally. According to mediapost.com 85 percent of doctors are iPhone users (MacAvoy, 2015). Because the companies target market is so busy the physicians rely on their smartphones for information. It is suggested that Lifeline Medical develop an app or look into additional promotion through the web. Through an app Lifeline Medical could give their target market an easy way to explore and learn about their company. From getting information about the company’s product line to learning about their exceptional …show more content…
In the case of Lifeline Medical it is suggested that the company increase their personnel to compensate for their increase in marketing. Before Lifeline Medical can begin to increase their marketing effort the company will need to acquire a marketing firm. The marketing firm will help Lifeline Medical in planning and creating their promotions. It is important that the company seek help from marketers when developing their promotions. The marketers will know how to properly target Lifeline Medical’s business consumers through the advertisements, insuring a positive return on the company’s …show more content…
It is suggested Lifeline Medical be prepared to go back to the drawing board if needed. Like with monitoring the results, Lifeline Medical’s business customer’s opinions will be vital to the success of their contingency. The company will need to hold focus groups to determine what went wrong and how their business customers think the company should fix it. Once Lifeline Medical has determined the problems the company will need to design new promotions to fit their target market