Obviously, I’m not dead, but it’s safer for her to thinks so” from this very first line I knew it this will be like the thriller, action or some kind of spy or suspense book. If we look overall character role, action, twist and dialogue delivery of June and Day. The best Dialogue for me is of Day when June asks why you picked your nickname Day, then Day says Day mean “Each day means a new twenty-four hours. Each day means everything’s possible again. You live in the moment, you did in the moment, and you take it all one day at a time.” The weakness of this book are very less I think if Marie Lu had put more than two main characters then it will be more suspension building and more thriller. This book sometimes feels boring when June and Day are romantic. It would be great if an author had put more Romance so that way people who like to read Love stories will also read this
Obviously, I’m not dead, but it’s safer for her to thinks so” from this very first line I knew it this will be like the thriller, action or some kind of spy or suspense book. If we look overall character role, action, twist and dialogue delivery of June and Day. The best Dialogue for me is of Day when June asks why you picked your nickname Day, then Day says Day mean “Each day means a new twenty-four hours. Each day means everything’s possible again. You live in the moment, you did in the moment, and you take it all one day at a time.” The weakness of this book are very less I think if Marie Lu had put more than two main characters then it will be more suspension building and more thriller. This book sometimes feels boring when June and Day are romantic. It would be great if an author had put more Romance so that way people who like to read Love stories will also read this