Legal Driving Age Essay

Improved Essays
I believe the driving age should be raised by increasing the legal driving age to eighteen. At eighteen you are legally an adult progressing towards adulthood, at eighteen a person can vote, obtain a marriage permit, buy cigarettes, join the military, consent on legally binding contracts, start there own business, move out on there own, at the age of eighteen you become more responsible. Someone who is eighteen can take responsibility for there own actions. I feel driving should be also one of those responsibilities of adulthood because it is a sufficient age for someone to be able to drive a motor vehicle.

In the United States we allow people to get their licenses at a younger age than in most countries, teenagers who are sixteen and seventeen
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Teenagers do not fully comprehend that when they get behind the wheel, they are not only responsible for them self and the passengers in their car, but also they are responsible for the safety of every driver on the road. Most teenagers feel an urge to take part in dangerous behaviors while driving. This impulse for adventure is followed by a feeling of invincibility. Teenagers are more likely to get road rage than other age group. teenagers, mostly male are more likely to overestimate their own ability to drive at a high speed but also in difficult weather conditions such as snow, ice, rain. Teenagers also are more likely to drink and drive without thinking of the consequences of there actions they are making with there own life and others maybe because they want to seem cool or because of peer pressure but a lot of teenagers have admitted to drinking while under the influence of alcohol. Teenagers also have lower seat belt use rates than people eighteen and over Teenagers also have more distractions on the road than ever before with all the new technology in todays society. Studies have shown that most teenagers will answer their phone or text while driving, again causing a huge risk for themselves and others. by increasing the driving age, it allows them to grow out of these risky and dangerous behaviors more than when they are sixteen or seventeen years old.

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