Shift planning is important because it shows what task each member of staff would be doing during the shift. The shift plan document is a legal document that could be used as an evidence in court. Coordinating a shift is part of a leadership and management role of a nurse. Task are delegated according to the experience and competency of staff. As a shift leader and coordinator, it is important to know how to make use of the different skills of the staff in the shift planning and make use this during the delegation of duties.
The management skills are necessary for managing the shift while the leadership skill is necessary for boosting the morale of staff during the shift. Rigolosi (2013) suggests different types of management theories which a manager could use when managing a service. Some of the management theories are scientific management methods, classical approach, human relations approach, systems approach and organisation approach. These theories could be used in combination with different leadership style such as autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, shirt sleeves, transactional and …show more content…
Actions and decision in nursing must be evidence based. Ellis (2013) suggests the use of evidence base practice and reflective practice. Decision making during the shift as a shift leader carries a lot of responsibilities. However, as a student nurse, it is important to recognise my professional boundaries (NMC, 2015). Therefore, any decision such as holding of security keys that were beyond the professional role of a student in a forensic setting this job has to be done by a permanent staff on duty. However, student nurse should be courageous as described by National Health Service 6 ‘C’s (2012) to take learning opportunities such as shift leader, writing handover notes, checking the vital signs of service users, collaboration with the staff, administration of medication and supporting service users. Actions such as taking handovers and delivering of handover are necessary for collaboration and communication with staff and other professionals. This ensures service users safety, outcome, and experience (NHS, 2014). Decisions such as supporting the service users and meeting their needs. This is supported by the Valuing People (DH, 2001) and Valuing People Now (DH,