Florence Wald, an influential nurse leader is known as the Mother of the American Hospice …show more content…
(2016)), all of which Florence Wald did in order to become a nurse leader. Factors that influenced Ms. Wald’s role as a nurse leader consisted of “a women with a mission and a deep commitment to caring for patients and their families at the end of life” (Adams, C.(2008)). After World War II , the dying and injured started to be cared for in hospitals and no longer within their own homes by family members. This “left patients in the care of non-family members” Adams, C. (2008)). Within this type of care, “hospitals at this time had little concern for the psychological, social or spiritual needs of the patient” Adams, C. (2008)). This form of care did provide a compassionate caring environment. Ms. Wald believed and understood that dying needed a setting that allowed for needs of the patient being taken care of. Therefore Florence Wald was inspired to “design her hospice as a warm, peaceful setting where patients were assisted to die with dignity, respect, and compassion” Adams, C. …show more content…
(2017)) along with advocacy. Communication was key to Wald’s vision because she had to communicate with the community and the interdisciplinary team in which she worked with in order provide information and gain and share knowledge as well with each individual. Nurse leaders therefore must engage in the “decision making process” ( American Nurses Association. (2015)) to promote and or advance healthcare in the community and within the healthcare