Since the colonization of America, over portion of the first wetlands have been lost. In current times and with the expansion in accessible innovation, this misfortune has quickened geometrically. In the previous 100 years, Louisiana has lost 20% of its wetlands, speaking to a speeding up of 10 times the normal rate.
The fundamental types of human unsettling influence are the stream control structures, for example, dams and levees, the digging of trenches, and depleting and filling. Starting in the 1920's, expansive scale waterway control structures, for example, the old stream control stucture, which redirects 30% of the Mississippi River water into the Atchafalaya River framework, were worked to straightforwardness flooding issues along the banks. These control structures prompted an emotional abatement in the sedimentary burden which achieved the mouth of the stream and framed the premise of new beach front