Charles County. Although floods consistently occurred in St. Charles County, the area continued to grow through the 20th century; the construction of the Alton Lock/Dam and Interstate 70 helped to increase development in the 1940s and 1950s. It is worth noting that most of the new development was located in the floodplain. By the 1960s there were two main groups in the area: the poor, who lived close to the Mississippi River or in mobile homes and the farmers, who had a higher economic status. In this chapter, Steinberg also elaborates on the establishment of the North County Levee District in 1977. This was an attempt to keep the waters of the rivers under control and resulted in the contested proposal of the L-15 levee. Overall, the author asserts that the building of floodwalls and levees increased the damage caused by
Charles County. Although floods consistently occurred in St. Charles County, the area continued to grow through the 20th century; the construction of the Alton Lock/Dam and Interstate 70 helped to increase development in the 1940s and 1950s. It is worth noting that most of the new development was located in the floodplain. By the 1960s there were two main groups in the area: the poor, who lived close to the Mississippi River or in mobile homes and the farmers, who had a higher economic status. In this chapter, Steinberg also elaborates on the establishment of the North County Levee District in 1977. This was an attempt to keep the waters of the rivers under control and resulted in the contested proposal of the L-15 levee. Overall, the author asserts that the building of floodwalls and levees increased the damage caused by