Introduction Giovanni da Verrazzano was an Italian explorer of North America in the services of King Francis I of France. He was well known for the exploration and chartering the Atlantic Coast between the Carolinas and Newfoundland including the New York Harbor in 1524. Giovanni da Verrazzano was born in the south of Florence in Italy to Piero Andrea di Bernardo da Verrazzano and Fiametta Capell, Verrazzano’s exact date of birth is March 1st 1485 (unkown, 2012). He always referred to himself as a native of Florence and was called a Florentine by contemporaries. “While Verrazzano wrote lengthy and detailed reports about his voyages and explorations of the Americas, we know very little about the details of his personal life.”…
This painting is the third in a series of four panels depicting the life and miracles of Saint Zenobius, the fourth-century bishop of Florence and one of the city’s patron saints. Each panel shows different a number of levels of episodes from the saint’s life. As for the first panel shows the saint of youth, the second panel contains three stories about relating to miracles performed by the saint: he exorcism two children by a demon, he put forward a Christian mother, the son of life, and a blind man he regain his sight. As shown in the panel is the death of a young man and then increase the saint of life and death. Look at the third series of the painting; at the left hand side of, there is a man who is kneeling, name Saint Zenobius.…
The painter Parmigianino, in his art piece, Madonna with the long neck, captures a fused narrative that comes from another art piece, “Vision of Saint Jerome”. The piece portrays the virgin Mary holding a young baby Christ. The piece is an oil painting that measures 7 by 4 feet, and was created between the years of 1534 through 1540. Unfortunately the piece was never finished because the artist became deceased.…
The name of my explorer is Giovanni Da Verrazano. Giovani Da Verrazano was born on 1485, later on he died on 1582, which made him approximately 43 years old. A particular accomplishment Verrazano is famous for is that he reserved the Atlantic Coast of North America in the middle of the Carolinas and Newfoundland, as well as the New York harbor. The country that sponsored Verrazano is France. The particular person who commissioned their voyage was King Francis I. Giovanni Da Verrazano made three voyages.…
In order to fully understand the painting, one must first be familiar with Titian’s background. Titian was one of the most famous artists of the Italian Renaissance. Born around 1488-1490, Titian grew up in Pieve di Cadore. Sent to Venice at the age of nine, Titian became an apprentice to a well-known master of mosaics by the name of Sebastiano Zuccati. Soon Titian passed on to the workshop of Giovanni Bellini, one of the leading painters of the time.…
Upon further research it is said that de Medici regarded The Church as an organ of government. In the letter de Medici is informing his son on how to be a priest and gave instructions to be humble, discreet, told him how to dress, and so forth. Document 6 is a picture of the painting ‘The Birth Of Venus” Venus is a mythological goddess who is seen as nude and standing on dry land having just emerged from the sea. The painting was requested by the Medici family. The painting was created by Botticelli, an Italian renaissance painter.…
His wife, Costanza Trenta, pictured in the painting, had died one year earlier. Thus, many experts believe this is a form of memorabilia. The painting did not see a museum till the 19th century. It had been in royal inventories and personal collections for hundreds of years. It was passed down from country to country until the National Gallery in London bought the painting in 1842.…
In the Norton Art Museum in West Palm Beach, Florida, there is a beautiful painting called “Diana and Actaeon with Pan and Syrinx” by Valerio Castello. Valerio Castello was an Italian painter of the Baroque period. He was born in 1624 and died in 1659. His interest in painting grew and he began his apprenticeship with Domenico Fiasella. From there he travelled around a lot and painted many art works like “Rape of the Sabines,” and “Consolation of Saint Francis,” along with “Diana and Actaeon with Pan and Syrinx.”…
Born in 1445,He belonged to the third generation of Renaissance artists. Early in his career, he had the great fortune to enjoy the patronage of the Medici, the ruling merchant family of Florence, who probably commissioned this painting. The Medici sponsored an Academy—a sort of discussion group—where humanist scholars and artists met to discuss Classical culture and its relationship to Christianity (Living With Art, 398). The Birth of Venus was also a pretty large painting, 6’7” X 9’2”. The picture is very unique and you can tell that Botticelli took his time on this painting.…
Joel Peter Witkin is a Jewish American Photographer who was born on September 13, 1939 in Brooklyn, New York. His father was a Jew and his mother belonged to the Roman Catholic. He had a twin brother, Jerome Witkin who was a prominent painter. Joel Peter together with his twin brother were raised up in an extremely religious atmosphere, which explains why most of the photographs by Joel Peter are Christian-oriented. Witkin acquired his first camera around 1955 and learned about the basics of using a camera at that time (Celent 179; Herve 13).…
Milestone Two Final Explaining how the theme of beauty is expressed in contemporary ideas and pieces of art, for the final project I will contrast two works of art. Starting with the literary art piece, an epic poem written by Angelo Poliziano, named Stanze per la Giostra, in 1480 Italy. The visual work being a painting by Sandra Botticelli titled The Birth of Venus. Botticelli's The Birth of Venus was painted in approximately 1485 in Italy and it carries an classical style. Using both the visual and literary outlets I will compare the theme with the mood of the works of art.…
I chose the Maestá for my artwork who was commissioned by the Siena Cathedral. The artist of this enormous, painted altarpiece was Duccio di Buoninsegna. This art piece was seven by thirteen feet and had to be painted on both sides since you could see it from various angles once installed in the middle of the sanctuary. It also had a gothic style and Duccio completed the altarpiece in 1311.…
Venus was painted with features of the bride; it shows that the bride is like a goddess and deserves all the love and happiness she gets. The marriage and union of a couple is honored and in a sense given luck because Cupid is shown as an attendant, but he represents a strong passion with love, together the two compliments and reinforces the marriage. As seen in the painting Cupid is peeing on Venus,…
What does the ideal person look like? What traits are desired, and which are not? Hundreds of years ago, during the italian Renaissance, certain traits in men, women, and leaders were heavily sought after. Men were desired to be well educated and masculine, women to be tender and intelligent, and princes were to be strong militaristic leaders.…
There are two women looking at the man in an almost lustful perspective. There is also an eagle sitting close to the man which might represent the sheer power of the man. The setting of the painting is in the clouds which portrays high power and the man is even leaning on a cloud. The artist painted Jupiter and Thetis with definite…