These steps integrate well with one another in developing a vision for the brigade to provide focus and direction towards the future. After taking command of the brigade and the battalions have changed command as well, I would establish a sense of urgency and build a coalition to help construct the brigade’s vision as a team of leaders who will guide this organization in the future regionally aligned forces mission. The coalition consists of all the battalion commanders and company commanders within the brigade. This creates a team environment and a feeling of self-worth in helping the brigade develop its vision moving forward in the future. It also gives me the opportunity to give them my initial organization level vision and provide guidance to my commanders. This will create buy in on where we are as a brigade and what we want for the future. The initial vision for the future would be a professional organization serving as the divisions lead force in the regionally aligned force mission setting the right example for the rest of the Army to follow. After providing my initial thoughts for the future, I would open the dialogue among all the battalion company commanders providing them the opportunity to establish credible goals towards being the lead force for the division. From the initial …show more content…
Some of the brigade’s personnel are not “on the right seat on the right bus”, which I would immediately remove MAJ Wilson from his position of being the brigade S-4 and replace him with a competent officer who understands my guidance and intent. From the assessment, his shop is not operating effectively and there are some ethical behavior concerns surrounding this important shop. The brigade S-4 shop is decisive in beginning this change of completing the equipment reset process and overseeing the new equipment fielding required for the future regionally aligned forces mission. Failure to complete this task as the S4 shop causes the brigade to stumble out of the gate in becoming the lead force for the division. Next, I would empower the battalion and company commander’s to communicate the new brigade’s vision statement since they assisted in developing it and spread the message among the ranks. The vision statement would be part of the email signature block for every leader, be on motivational brigade posters throughout the brigade’s footprint, and be one of the questions in the brigade’s enlisted promotion board process. Constant communication of the vision statement is paramount and I would ensure every Soldier knew it by heart. Next, I would list priorities of effort for the brigade focusing the leader’s energy towards the