As you get older in life you need to learn the importance about kindness. The poem of kindness Naomie Shihab nye she talk a lot about the rules of kindness and how you can obtain it in life. Shihab nye tells us that in order to have kindness people must have experienced sadness. (before you know kindness as the deepest thing inside you must know sorrow as the other deepest must wake up with must speak to it till your sorrows and you see size of the clothes ) this little piece of the poem speaks a lot about what i said that in order to learn kindness you must feel sorrow in life in order to feel kindness and express it to other humans beans. On a personal level in my life i have experienced loss, but …show more content…
This results in a bigger personality and makes stronger personal connection to people. When you are kind to people you seem to be more happy and your connection with people becomes better relationship with people. People will want you around more and to be with them in life but you should never bring some down and be mean to them cause that will just bring you down in life and that just not good for you or you're mind cause then you will just be negative and it's hard to change from be mean to kind in the poem of Naomi shihab nye she says(before you know kindness as the deepest thing inside, you must know sorrow as the other deepest thing. The peace talk alot about making a stronger connection with people cause in order for you to find kindness you half to feel sorrow in life if you don't have both then how can you find happiness and kindness in life or to make people you love happy to be around …show more content…
Nomie says that in order to find kindness you must must travel where the indians in a white poncho lies dead by the side of the road). You must first see how this could be you in life and what you would do in that position in life . a lot of people take kind people for granted but in the end you will get something out of it all because you do the right thing by helping people and give a good ora off to people which attracts people towards you.This author has really been through alot because she has been through each of the steps to obtain kinds in her heart and be able to show it to people she positioned herself in life where she had a lot of thinking on how she can have kids she went through alot by have sadness and a lot of sorrow, pain so get kindness witch she got by going through all these