Katniss is intensely skillful at hunting, and she uses it to her advantage. On page 241 it says, ““... I discover a flock of grooslings perched in the trees and take out three before they know what hit them.” This shows that Katniss is an extremely skillful hunter. In addition, this displays that Katniss is skillful with a bow and arrow, which allows her to last longer in the games. On page 164, it states “I’m about to take off when I think of the snares… Too many years of hunting, I guess… I’m rewarded with one fine rabbit. In no time, I’ve cleaned and gutted the animal…” This shows that Katniss knows that she has had numerous years of hunting experience. Moreover, this signifies that Katniss is so familiar with the sport of hunting that she is able to efficiently gut and clean the animals that she catches. …show more content…
On page 154, it says “I’m about to panic when I remember the rabbit I startled earlier today. It has to drink, too. I just have to find out where.” This indicates that Katniss is intelligent enough to recognize what may be around in her environment. This also demonstrates that Katniss has enough common sense to know that water is somewhere around here, making her not give up in the games. On page 328, it says “‘...we would both be dead, too, if she hadn’t eaten the berries first. You recognized them didn’t you?’ I give a nod. ‘We call them nightlock.’” This demonstrates that Katniss can recognize the poisonous berries, saving her and Peeta’s lives. Moreover, this reveals that Katniss is highly intelligent, and knows a great deal about